The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba – An Audio Book Review

Wandering Inn

An inn is a place to rest, a place to talk and share stories, a place to find adventure, or a starting ground for quests and legends.

It is in this world, at least. To Erin Solstice, an inn seems like a medieval relic from the past. But here she is, running from Goblins and trying to survive in a world full of monsters and magic. She’d be more excited about all of this if everything wasn’t trying to kill her. But an inn is what she’s found, and so that’s what she becomes; an innkeeper, who serves drinks to heroes and monsters.

Actually, mostly monsters. But it’s a living, right?

Author: Pirateaba

Publisher: Podium Publishing

Genre: Fantasy/LitRPG

Series: The Wandering Inn #1

Run Time: 43hrs 10mins (1,235 pages on Kindle)

Audio Release Date: 10th September 2019

My Rating of ‘The Wandering Inn’: 4 out of 5

Purchase: Audible, Amazon


Despite the 4 star review I (I had to knock it down from a five for something small and editorial more than anything) this was easily one of the more enjoyable books I’ve gotten through this year.

I’ll start by saying that it’s an incredibly slow-burn type of book. But it’s slow-burn in the tantalising, I look forward to getting to the next chapter kind of slow-burn. Rather than the ‘well, you’re padding the word count, aren’t you?’ type. The author does an excellent job of painting a day in the life of someone from our world unexpectedly waking up in another one. So many books in the genre paint it as something that would be non-stop action from the moment of waking up until the end of your time there, whereas this one takes the more realistic approach of getting to grips with your surroundings, making friends, learning the language etc …

I’ll dive right into why I marked it down, before gushing on with more praise. Essentially, this needed a more thorough edit than it was given. At multiple points there are continuity errors that would otherwise have stymied the plot if they hadn’t happened. At one point there’s mention of certain characters not being able to read, yet later on ‘well, I read it on that sign’ pops out of their mouth. At others, they use their hands to do all sorts of useful things, despite their hands being bound, and no explanation to them being freed.

But, I suspended my disbelief as the story was truly engaging and enjoyable to immerse myself in.

One thing Pirateaba does better than most authors I’ve come across, is make you feel for literally everything. Not only the primary characters, but the ones you think are just there for a bit of filler as well. He also makes you care about the world more than you ordinarily might. By the end of it, I found myself feeling like I was part of the world, or it had at least been a place that had long been on my list of ‘places to visit’. He also hammers home a range of emotions (this is added to expertly by the audio book’s narrator, who does one of the best jobs on audio book narration I’ve come across. And I’ve listened to A LOT of audio books).

In short, from start to finish, The Wandering Inn is a beautiful book.

The main characters are both from our world and both unexpectedly end up in a fantasy one. A fantasy world where levelling up and earning skills in your respective ‘class’ mean you can do great things. These characters, Erin Solstice and Ryoka Griffin, are two young women from two very different backgrounds. It’s wonderful to have both of their stories along side each other as you get a much more complete image of the world Pirateaba is creating.

I’m uncertain when I’ll dive into book 2 (there’s 12 at the moment, so plenty to get absorbed in), as I’ve listened to some fairly long audio books recently and would quite like a short one as a change of pace, but the author has done such a wonderful job that, even if it were a case of years, I doubt it would feel like any time had passed where memory of the setting is concerned.

9 thoughts on “The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba – An Audio Book Review

  1. For something that’s 43 hours (1200 pages) long to be one of the better reads of the year is AMAZING. Especially as those errors that you mentioned are the type of thing that really get to me. Hmmm this is probably a skipper for me, but I’m glad you liked it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As much as the length of this seems a bit much, I am so intrigued and I desperately want to read about the slow moments of someone getting to know a new world. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you’re an audio book user I’d highly recommend it on there 🙂 there are 12 in the series so far, all of huge length. Just looked at book 2 … 60+ hours (1700+ pages)😅

      I tried to comment on one of your posts, but it wouldn’t let me. Might be the WordPress app being silly. Will try when next on my laptop. Glad to see you enjoyed Assassin’s Apprentice 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah I like audiobooks this would keep me entertained through MANY chores lol!

        that’s very impressive! I noticed it’s ‘only on audible’ which is annoying coz I don’t really use audible but I might have to make an exception here 🙂

        Oh, odd I wonder if its a glitch but I’ll go see if it’s a setting that’s off :S & Yes I LOVED Assassin’s Apprentice, will be reading book 2 from that series soon I hope.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m a bit of an Audible addict 😅 I don’t really listen to music. All of my listening is audio book or podcast 🤓

        I’m very jealous that you get to bask in Fitz’ misery for the first time. There’s multiple series she’s done set in that universe. All are very good 😃


      3. Haha oh awesome. I am always torn between wanting to listen to podcasts and music but music wins over most of the time, I only really listen to 2 podcasts generally. & I always have one audiobook going but typically on Hoopla or Libby.

        haha Ohh I am basking in suffering for sure, but I’m happy to be buddy reading it along with my husband and best friend so we can all suffer together! LOL I look forward to see what’s next for poor ‘ol Fitz.

        Liked by 1 person

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