
Hey there, my name is Aaron and I am an author, avid reader and … lighting technician (it’s the day job) living and working in Leicestershire, England. When not reading, writing or working, I enjoy watching pro-wrestling (I am also trained as a pro-wrestler), Mixed Martial Arts, football (Liverpool fan) Basketball (Golden State Warriors all the way) and hitting the gym. I have an interest in all things spooky; love a good ghost hunt or anything to do with the paranormal/supernatural. I also run the Pool league in my town and am a huge Snooker fan.

I decided to hop onto the book-review bandwagon primarily as it gives me an outlet to talk about books. Not many people I know or work with are big readers, so doing something like this gives me a chance to, if not directly speak to people, talk about books in some way, shape or form. At least this way I can pretend people are listening.

All review content and any other items I may post such as poems, short stories etc … are my own work. This, of course, means that all views are my own and do not necessarily represent anyone who frequents this blog.

If I re-blog someone else’s post or feature guest posts at any time on Swords & Spectres, all credit will be given to those in question. If at any time I post something that is believed to be the property of someone other than myself, please do get in touch and I will remove it.