Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff – An Audio Book Review

Empire of the Damned

Gabriel de León has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost.

After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.

But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed.

A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine.

Author: Jay Kristoff

Narrators: Damian Lynch, Shakira Shute

Audio Release Date: February 29th 2024

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Genre: Fantasy

Series: Empire of the Vampire #2

Running Time: 31hrs 33mins (654 pages on kindle)

My Rating of ‘Empire of the Damned’: 3 out of 5

Purchase: Audible, Amazon


I went into this one high on expectation and left it feeling somewhat deflated without ever truly feeling I’d gotten out of this book anywhere close to what I had hoped. Empire of the Vampire (book one) was one of my favourite books last year and, unfortunately, I doubt the sequel will make my top 20.

Book two of the series very much felt like a book two. It could have been an issue with my memory as, in all honesty, it took me an absolute age to feel like I’d truly gotten back into the universe Kristoff was creating. There was a ‘Dramatis Personae’ at the start, which gave you a very quick run down of the characters and what they’d done, but I don’t feel it was as comprehensive as some of the other book one recaps I’ve been saved by in the past.

After I’d finally gotten my bearings, I found myself in the land of filler. Most of the book felt like page-padding and purple prose (which is lovely in small doses, but too much purple does not for the perfect experience make). That being said, Kristoff does have some of the best turns of phrase in the business, he also has some of the ‘as if any character would talk like that’ awards as well. Amidst the filler, the plot did progress, but it did so slowly and I didn’t feel a great deal happened over the 650+ pages that couldn’t have been achieved in two thirds of the time.

That being said, the ending was a tad more unexpected than I imagined and I am intrigued to see where the story ends (if book three is the end). I just hope that book three has a bit more life to it and rocks along at a decent speed rather than slow ebb this book produced.

I also felt the use of two narrators wasn’t quite for me. Getting used to the characters sounding one way, only to have them suddenly all voiced differently when the second narrator had their chapters, was very jarring. Even more so when you’re struggling to acclimatise yourself back into the world of Empire of the Vampire. I got used to it, but I’d still rather have had it just narrated by one narrator all the way through.

Overall, I would score this a high two out of five, but bumped it up to a three purely for rounding purposes.

21 thoughts on “Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff – An Audio Book Review

  1. Half stars my man, half stars are just what you need!

    And today is your lucky day, because I happen to have a whole cart just filled with half stars, that you can buy for half price. Wait, did I say half price? What I meant is, the more you buy, the cheaper they are! This whole cart has to go and I will not go home without emptying this cart.

    So make me an offer….

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am, yes. Less so Amazon as ANY word that upsets their filters gets canned. I once put ‘this killed the enjoyment’ and it refused my review … yet I see other people posting worse things. Amazon is just very shocking for reviewing. The most that gets these days is my star ratings. Audible and Goodreads, however (both owned by Amazon) have far less strict guidelines compared

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So on a serious note, why do you review at so many places at once? I’ve been there and realized I couldn’t handle even just cross posting, so I’m always curious what others experience is in doing the same thing.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well, I make it sound like it’s more work than it is. I literally copy and paste my review to Audible and Goodreads and Netgalley if it’s from there. I’m just being a tad overdramatic

        There’s no way I could make a serious effort of multiple unique posts etc …

        In a lighter note; my reading time has increased as has my Audio Book enjoyment. And, I’m finding myself with more time to not only post, but to actually read and interact with other’s posts. Long may it continue 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeah, I’ve heard some thing about this one, but I’m disappointed you didn’t like it more. Especially after the hype and frollick that was Book 1. Also rounding is boring—sharp edges are where it’s at! Sure you could put an eye out, but that’s where the fun is.

    And don’t listen to Derrick. We both know that he’d’ve rated this one star after about six pages 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been on the fence since finishing this one. I think if pushed to re-rate, I’d knock it down to a two. I can’t see myself investing so much time in the third. So I think I’m with you on that one


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