Bookish Deadly Sins {Tag}

Tags aren’t something I do very often. I do like them, but I just look at them and think ‘that’s quite a bit of effort when my alternative is a glass of wine and a book’. That being said, I really like the look of this one (and will be doing the non-sin version as well …so two tags :O ).

I am sure this was done on lots of other blogs but I only saw it on Piotrek and Ola’s blog, so it’s their post I linked to above.


Greed: Which is the most expensive book you own? Which is the least expensive?

Back in the day, The Black Library (Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000) used to publish a limited edition novella (they did a few of these) and each only had about 500 copies and each was sold for £40. Back then, books went for the princely sum of £6.99 so buying a book (I bought two) for £40 each had my parents giving me looks like I may need a trip to a padded room. I can’t remember the titles of them, sadly.

My least expensive is way harder to peg down. As I go into charity shops every time I go in town and often pick up a book or three. So it would be something I picked up from one of those. I take it library loans are out of the equation? And there’s also the kindle books that go for £0.00. I have nabbed a few of those.


Gluttony: What book/s have you shamelessly devoured many times?

That’s easy. Purely because I rarely re-read anything. I have listened to the Martian Audiobook numerous times since downloading it from Audible. It’s fantastic and most likely will get listened to again in the future.

The above being said, I am starting to feel myself lured to books I read before and want to experience again. Jurassic Park for one.

I also had to read through my own novel upwards of ten times throughout submission, acceptance and editing processes. So yea, that gets an honourable mention.


Lust: What attributes do you find most attractive in your characters?

Depends on the character. I like it when there is room for character development and growth. If I am reading about a fully-fleshed character then I’m not sure it would keep my interest. Unless said character is telling of their life that led up to them being so fully-fleshed.


Envy: What books would you most like to receive as a gift?

That’s a hard one for me due to the fact that, as a book blogger, I get so many books sent to me via Netgalley, authors, publishers etc … and then I either buy the ones I want or get them from the library. The one kind of book that I really enjoy but never buy myself is anything to do with the paranormal/occult. So they are a safe bet. Always happy for more, my occult library is growing.

My birthday IS coming up in September 😉


Pride: What book/s do you bring up when you want to sound like an intellectual reader?

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. It’s an excellent read and, despite the subject matter, is easy to follow. I am little upset that I have misplaced my copy, though. So I may have to hunt another copy down.


Sloth: What book or series have you neglected out of sheer laziness?

The Low Town series by Daniel Polansky. I read the first one at the start of the year and absolutely loved it. But, for some reason or another, I just haven’t managed to get around to picking up the next in the series. It’s a shame, as Daniel Polansky is a brilliant author. He’s also pretty cool and has my sense of humour, if meeting him at Comic Con was anything to go by.


Wrath: What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Easiest question of the lot. Stephen King.

King is one of the world’s greatest writers. Certainly one of the most well-known. I love his stories as he takes you on a journey of world-building and character development that other authors can only dream of … he will then write himself into a corner, realise he can’t actually think of an ending that fits the awesomeness of the story he told, scream ‘aliens did it’ and scurry off to pen his next best-seller.

Not all of his endings have been bad. But, there’s been enough for me to look at any new King book with immense distrust.


20 thoughts on “Bookish Deadly Sins {Tag}

  1. A great tag and I enjoyed reading your answers. I still have to read The Martian and I am planning to do so fairly soon. Stephen Hawking’s book is also great. I have a more of a “hate” relationship with Stephen King than “love”. I love his ideas, but not the writing or, as you also mention, his endings. Perhaps I have a problem with him because I think he is more of a “quantity”, rather than “quality”, writer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. King does have a high output. He’s like the horror version of Brandon Sanderson. Can pop out a 1,200 page book every year.

      I haven’t read the Martian, only listened. The narrator brought it to life so well. But I imagine reading it is just as brilliant. I look forward to your thoughts on it 😊

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  2. I have also been tagged for this one, but haven’t gotten around to doing this one yet (and a bunch of others 😅😅) I’m always behind with these, but I definitely want to do this one as well, as it’s a really fun one.
    You are so right about Stephen King though. He always seems to have trouble with the endings to his book. That said, he is still one of my alltime favorite writers despite that fact 😊
    I would one day love to have one of those Black Library Limited Editions too. They are expensive to be sure, but wow do some of them look amazing! 😃

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    1. I haven’t dared look at more BL limited editions … I’d not be able to help myself.

      I still love King, too. The Stand is one of my favourite audio books. Under the Dome was great until the ending 😂 11.22.63 is one of the best books I’ve ever read. So bravo to the King.


  3. Happy birthday when it comes! 🙂
    I think I might end up having a love/hate relationship with Stephen King too. I’m attempting to read his novels in publication order. I’ve read 4 so far and love 2 but hate 2.

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      1. Loved = ‘Salem’s Lot and the Shining (really loved the Shining)
        Hated = Carrie and the Stand (really hated the Stand and DNF’d it sorta close to the end)

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      2. We seem to have opposite tastes. All of the King books (except for 11.22.63) that I have read have been audio books. So that may alter things as far as enjoyment goes, but I didn’t enjoy Salem’s Lot, thought the Shining was pretty decent and loved The Stand 🙈

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      3. Lol! That’s interesting and kudos to you for doing it all via audio books. His stories are too detailed for me to listen to the audio for my first read of one of his books.
        I thought I would’ve liked the Stand but the book was frustrating. I liked the TV miniseries as a kid and thought the book would work for me.

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  4. Thanks for the shout-out! 😀
    I’m totally with you on King – but there’s certainly more hate than love in my relationship with him 😉 I simply couldn’t stand Salem’s Lot, and though I more or less enjoyed Misery, I haven’t progressed to reading either Colorado Kid (which sounds really nice from what Drew said about it) or The Stand. Maybe I should give him another chance 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you do give him another chance, try 11.22.63 its not only the best King book I have read, but one of my favourite reads. I also didn’t like Salem’s Lot. Looking back; I feel I was too generous giving it a 3.

      Your other half of the tag will get a shout out, too, when I get around to doing it 😊

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  5. I am starting to see the magic of King’s writing… The Stand – I am about 40% through but set it aside to get some review copies out of the way… and yet TS totally fresh in my mind and I can’t wait to get back to it 🙂 Every chapter is like a story on it’s own…

    You’re into occult? Nice one! I immediately started thinking that you should read The Deaths and Afterlife of Aleister Crowley so 😀 I nabbed it off Netgalley and I am really enjoying it.. it’s historical fiction and also tagged as SFF… quite unusual but an engaging read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have heard good things about it but was going to wait to read some reviews. So I’ll keep my eyes peeled for yours 😊

      Yea, the Stand really is a masterpiece. Loved the audio book so much. Has such great world-building and character depth.

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